Thursday, March 22, 2007

Justice scandal

While we await the subpoenas that will spark off an enormous shitfight among the three wings of the American government -- incredibly, Chimpy is planning to try executive privilege as the means to have his minions defy Congress (it won't work: Clinton tried it in re Lewinsky and got his arse handed to him by the courts -- let's enjoy a fine example of how American justice works.

Here's another example of a young black life blighted by racists.

Story here.

When Americans are questioning why they are hated around the world, they need to remind themselves that they are the guys lecturing the third world about the "rule of law". While pissing on it in every way.


At 10:21 pm, Blogger Cheezy said...

I just read that link... I don't really have time to investigate this right now... but surely that's a joke, right? 7 years of porridge for pushing someone?? There must be more to it! :-o

At 1:36 am, Blogger Don said...

An isolated town in Texas with a history of carnival lynchings. In no way representative of the country. For all we know, it's a sign of progress that the news has gotten out. Hopefully this exposure will compel action.

At 1:56 am, Blogger Kos said...

Heartbreaking that this sort of shit still happens. But it still happens in most of the "civilized" world, not just in America. And while I'll never disagree with anyone who criticizes our government and its policies, this case illustrates a problem with individuals, not with Americans nor American law.

At 10:01 am, Blogger Dr Zen said...

Yeah Don, it's an isolated town. They always are.

Jeff, this does not happen in the UK. Yes, there is racism; yes, blacks are more prone to find themselves in jail; but no, we don't send our piccaninnies to the hoosegow for pushing and shoving whites, dude.

At 11:54 am, Blogger Don said...

Yeah Don, it's an isolated town. They always are.

True; and the note in the article about lynching carnivals where they would scorch the condemned with hot irons before burning him alive and then raking through the ashes for bony souvenirs is also true (largely from the 1890s). The UK evidently remains more civilized than Texas. There's a surprise.

Anyway, while your closing point really shouldn't be exemplified by this atrocity (though it may be anyway, just as we tend to condemn all of Pakistan etc for the actions of a few back-country clerics), it is demonstrated by a rash of others.

At 12:00 pm, Blogger Dr Zen said...

Don, maybe you missed the import of my closing comment. In my view, this utter disrespect for any notion of decency and the rule of law characterises the American right. You can whine all you like that this is an "isolated" incident, but in my view it's a symptom of a sickness. And it's the sickness that is hated.

And backcountry Pakistani clerics are in their own way symptoms of a wrongness in some Muslim communities that runs deeper than a few isolated nutters.


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