Friday, March 16, 2007

Kiss this

This is just brilliant, the definition of "poignant".

I am reminded of my breakup from A, in a carpark at Reading University. She was my first love. I had not seen her in some time (a long-distance thing, which never works). The breaking of the anticipation of touching her felt worse than the pain of being dumped.


At 12:09 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Preditable but brilliant

At 3:26 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Concerning the short, I wouldn't call it predictable. First impression says 'heavy-handed'; I question that the "actual" woman ever needed to appear (could have been more strongly presented in the interaction between the Man and Actor), though there is some interesting physical contrast it allows between the women, giving us a stronger sense of the Woman Actor's being idealized. Nonetheless, my impression is that this could have been achieved elsewhere and to greater effect. Still very interesting. Thanks for the link. I would appreciate more of the same.
I did read a couple reviews on the site and I must say, while not truly surprised, I'm bother that they can on the one hand give _Letters from Iwo Jima_ such a glowing review and yet remain ambivalent towards _The Science of Sleep_. Well, you can't expect everyone to understand Gondry. I would have hoped a so-called critic would, however.

And the respect Eastwood receives is disgusting. To quote _High Fidelity_: "It's sentimental tacky crap."

At 2:01 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wouldn't call it predictable.

Then you have not watched much film or television.

It was almost cliche.


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