Monday, January 31, 2005

Barrier to justice

When the Israelis built their iron curtain in the West Bank, they claimed they were doing so to increase their security. Opponents of Israel suggested that by building it some distance into the West Bank they had two other motives: first, to delineate borders for Israel that were different from the 1967 ceasefire lines that most accept should be the border between Israel and Palestine, and second, to steal even more Palestinian land for its settlements.

Naturally, the Israelis and their tools on the right claimed that these opponents were antiSemitic. (Because of course it is our hatred of Jews that drives us to deplore the murder of schoolchildren.)

Ho hum. I suppose I must be practically a Nazi because I feel that these are not the actions of people who want a lasting and just peace but the behaviour of racists who simply feel that they can do what the hell they choose to people they dominate.

Johnny Atik has lived in his house for 55 years. He can see his olive groves from his front room. But they are no longer his. He is "absent". The Israelis have decided the olive groves belong to settlers and soon Johnny will see flats where once he grew his fruit.

Call me an antiSemite, I don't care, but while the belief is current that one side can do no wrong and the other can do no right, there will be no justice. We cannot continue to pursue an antiMuslim agenda and to support those who do and still believe that it is jealousy or antidemocratic sentiment or hatred of freedom or whatever bullshit we want to describe it that leads them to hate us.


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