Friday, October 22, 2004

Cunts, throats, dumps and Mary-Anne Hobbs

It's a mystery to me why a google search for "cunt" in the images section should turn up Paul Scholes. Maybe there's a Leeds fan at the BBC.

Why was I searching for "cunt" in Google images?

I must confess. On finding Toogle while surfing, it was my first thought for a word to look for.


From cunts to throats, Tuvan throat singing, which I found recorded at Ubuweb. It sounds a bit like granddad's been at the sherry but forgotten the words to some classic of the '50s (as strained through 50 years of neuron death).

It's strangely touching. I'm a fan of Tibetan chanting, being a Zenist and all.


Through the same source, more or less, I found Steal this book, Abbie Hoffman's classic hippy treatise. I wonder whether Delworth still lives at 125 Sullivan St.

I suppose it is still possible to be on the outside, a renegade. Recently I've been reading websites on lowering your tax liability to nothing and living simply (no URLs, all too dull to share). Personally, I've always preferred to be inside the tent to do my pissing, usually on whoever's stupid enough to be standing next to me (a less than kind reader might suggest that all I've ever done was take a dump in a very rarely frequented corner of the tent).


Hey, freelancing might be lonely, but at least I avoid meetings.

And I get to put what I want on the radio.


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