Friday, September 19, 2003

Frothing up

Coffee is very much in the news, which interests me, because, even if I wouldn't have the patience to grind my own, I'm a fiend for it. Life, put simply, wouldn't be worth living without java. I'll drink any coffee - ground, instant, espresso, latte, cappa, black, white, good, shite. I barely care what I pour in... well, of course better's better, but worse is better than none at all.
These days I have a small child to feed, and as a consequence you don't often see me pissing the daily bread away in Starbucks, but if I did, I'd gladly pay an extra bit so that poor sods like me can have better daycare more readily available.
Not so, Seattle, which voted against a proposed latte tax. The arguments against were fairly ludicrous, from the coffee shops saying that it would put them out of business (because let's face it, you're not going to bother if you have to pay an extra 10c, are you?) to those claiming that coffee is not a luxury in Seattle but a necessity (because it's cold and wet!) to those who claim you can't link coffee to childcare (because, hey, I get taxed on my income from editing and there's a clear link between editing and tanks, innit), above all because the bottom line is that the people of Seattle are selfish gits who wouldn't pay ten cents a latte for a thing that might benefit others more than themselves.
Or are they? Maybe I'm just thinking of the poor guys in Seattle, working their guts out to send their kids to the nursery down the road, the same kids that will one day be the roadmenders, sewage guys, doctors, nurses and baristas that will make the lives of the greedy shites who won't pay an extra 10c liveable.


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