Saturday, November 07, 2009

We speak Shpongolese here

Just so we're clear, it's not up for debate whether this is brilliant. We are only discussing how brilliant it is.

My view? Aphex Twin brilliant. That good. The production is just seamless and the depth and complexity of the musical ideas second to none. This is the pinnacle of electronica, as good as it gets or is going to get. Best album of the year, and the distance between it and second best is enormous. If you love music, you love this, end of discussion.


At 6:03 pm, Anonymous Father Luke said...

I'm 9:25 into it. See, here's the thing,
I read the small press a lot, and everyone is up everyone else's anus pretending to be like someone else. The one's who stand out are different, original, complex, and have a degree of inventiveness.

And, while I am not able to converse intelligently about music, I do know that this is unlike anything I have ever heard before. I like it. A lot.

And thanks.

At 8:01 am, Anonymous Dr Zen said...

No offence, Don, but my mum reads this blog and that kind of language is out of place here.

At 3:25 pm, Anonymous Don said...

Right she does. Ah, well, some opinions are unacceptable, I know.

At 3:37 pm, Anonymous Dr Zen said...

Some opinions are unacceptable in some quarters, Don. Your opinion the music I offered you is not unacceptable, but your means of expressing it was. Feel free to express your opinion again in language that would not offend my mother.

At 6:38 pm, Anonymous Don said...

Sorry, I don't recall what I said. I don't take to obscenity much, so frankly I'm blind on this one.

At 12:54 am, Anonymous Father Luke said...

The problem is that I am subscribed to comments, so I read what you wrote, Don.

I don't know what is considered "obscene", but I do recall the language you used.

Let's just say it wasn't what anyone could consider white bread. It was coarse, and grainy.

The rest of the comment I don't happen to recall. I understood that the music was not to your liking, however. That much was clear.

For what it's worth.

- -
Hope that helps,
Father Luke

At 10:11 am, Anonymous Don said...

Now I'm really curious. Dangit.

Also, I put on headphones this time and actually listened. Tiny built-in netbook speakers first time.

Pretty much awesome. I'm serious: it kicks. No excuse for whatever I said.

(Gratuitous follow-up that you can ignore, written with the music on: I danced to a lot of electronica at the Burn. Of that genre I'm not knowledgeable. But it carried me a long way, whether or not accompanied by talented DJs, strange lights, chai tea, lovely women, oddments of booze in my cup, unbelievable costumes, dust, aching feet, three days unwashed hair, and all the other awesomeness that lifts me when I think of it, and reminds me deep inside that life is very very good, all those people (I can count two) who somehow think I'm a hater and a greedhead in any way notwithstanding. So, thank you Dr Z for the inspiration to memory!)

At 3:47 am, Anonymous Annie said...

I liked it.


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