Thursday, November 10, 2005

The Salvador option

If the bodies of groups of Iraqi men turn up in shallow graves, dressed in civilian clothes, and other Iraqis are seen being executed by men in military uniforms, which is the most likely explanation:

1/ that the men murdered were offduty soldiers, who were all hanging out together, and the murderers terrorists dressed up in military uniforms?


2/ that the men murdered were civilians, and the murderers American-trained special forces?

In El Salvador, the public supported the FMLN, the leftist insurgents. The US trained badboy rightists in techniques that they used to terrorise the campesinos, by brutally torturing and murdering them, with no regard for their actual involvement in the insurgency. The idea was to undermine the popular support by intimidation and encourage the people to comply with the American-backed government.

The American-backed government in Iraq faces an insurgency that has wide popular support.


Who are we? We say we abhor Saddam, his bullyboys terrorising the populace, torturing opponents in dark prisons.

We say we abhor him. But who's running Abu Ghraib now?

Who are we? We say we abhor tyrants who do not allow people to choose their own way.

We say we abhor them. But it's globalisation or death for the world. If you have the temerity to say "fuck off Yanqui", we start drawing up your death warrant. What odds Chavez lives five more years?

We say we are for good but what good are we doing.


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