Monday, January 24, 2005

Vote for peace

The people of Falluja will, one presumes, mostly not be voting. The truth about what happened there will probably never be known, destined to forever be lensed through a smoky mirror of propaganda. Not that it matters. Half the interested parties aren't turning up for the election and we already know the result. That's one benefit of a rigged election. Those in power can make long-term plans without worrying about being unseated.

There won't be any velvet revolution in Iraq, not even an orange one. There is already a scarlet one that isn't going to end any time soon. We are approaching two years since America won the war and the revolution is still continuing. Mostly, the insurgents are shooting at Americans. You have to ask whether there wouldn't be a lot less shooting if the Americans just went home. Some claim that the Americans are preventing a civil war. Tell that to the people of Falluja. To them it looks a lot like that war is already here.


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