Monday, June 21, 2004

Looking through the square window

This is the dullest webcam ever. The chick just sits in a chair.

Maybe it's a pomo comment on the whole life on the web phenomenon. Maybe the chick doesn't know that if she put the cam in the shower she'd get more hits than she can handle.


This weather site tells lies.

The only way it's 11C is because heater's on. It's at most absolutely nothing, maybe -10 or something.

They never invented central heating in this country. I'm not kidding. They strut around boasting about how they don't feel the cold.

Yeah right. Dude, English people don't feel the cold because they have the heating on.


I was curious what a Servo really is. Yes, I know, a machine thing. But I don't know one machine thing from another. But ever since my computer problems (resolved by the simplest route -- I bought a new one) I have been increasing my technical knowledge a little bit. Apparently Servo has an output shaft.

Like I didn't already know (in-joke, and not even a good one).


I realise I haven't written a scrap of fiction in three months. Still, neither has Dickens.


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