Sunday, February 13, 2022

What harm is done

In a world where we conform, transgressive thought is appealing to a lively mind.
Transgressive thought is appealing to a lively mind, lost because today's world does not have much use of lively minds.
Today's world does not have much use of lively minds because you might just slip down the wrong alleyway.
but if you just slip down the wrong alleyway, what harm is done?
what harm is done

You cannot have a voice because people who conform want conforming voices, and even transgression must exist within the boundaries of the allowable.

Fascism appeals to those who want to transgress for whatever reason.
But what are the reasons?
what are the reasons

Fascism says there is no value in the individual but there is value in what the individual belongs to. Fascism is belonging as a political philosophy.
The more rootless and disconnected we are, the more it appeals.

You can't convince workers they belong to a class with other workers because they believe they are on a ladder,  not stuck in a pit.

The right pose the utterly conventional as transgressive. They sell myths and stories as facts. But so do the left.
So do the left when they try to sell us pictures of a utopian world that cannot exist. Not just the way things are, it cannot exit. Any conceivable way it could be, it cannot exist.

I am surrendering all that because our stories have been drained of meaning by dull pseudo-people who actually, and rightly, hate the working class and the working class know it and think they're smug knowitalls who are wrong about everything.
They're right about most things but they are smug knowitalls and I've been one too so yeah I know what I'm talking about.

You know, Jordan Peterson does not know he is a grifter but he keeps saying what works for him. Has there ever been a point where he thinks, you know, I don't believe this nonsense but if I stop saying it, I will not be Jordan Peterson any more?
If he was as smart as he thinks, there would be.


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