Tuesday, January 26, 2010


I became an Australian yesterday. It feels like more of a deal than I thought it would.

I think that is because my kids all turned up in Australian flag tattoos, with hats and flags in Australian colours. It felt like they felt I was honouring them by becoming a citizen. And I felt that I was becoming part of what they are part of.


Today they returned to school. In Australia, you do not have the same class each year. They throw everyone into the blender. So it's especially nervous for the kids.

You can't help thinking as you sit watching them at their new desks: please do not harm my fragile beauties. I do not care how much they learn. I care only that they stay well and are not broken by the rough and tumble of school life.


At 9:50 am, Anonymous Girl Wonder said...

Here in America it's still Tuesday so Happy Australian Day!! Congrats on your citizenship!

At 9:52 am, Anonymous Dr Zen said...

Thanks Ms Wonder!

At 3:52 pm, Anonymous Don said...

That's very sweet, actually. The kids and the fun with flags and that.


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