Monday, November 17, 2008

whatever on the edge of the abyss

Mrs Zen has been aware of this blog for some time, but, and I credit her for it, she has not read it (because I asked her not to). She allowed me to have it as a private thing. I know it is odd to consider something shared with everyone but her as private, but even the members of my family would not easily recognise me if they stumbled on it, so it is more private than you'd imagine.

I sometimes send her stuff I have written, about the kids or whatever, because I do want her to know who I am. I sent her the long post I wrote a few days ago (it was in effect a letter to her, after all). However, I noticed that she had been reading other pages, which I had not invited her to, and I have had to let her know that if she does it again, this blog will be destroyed.

In that event, I will blog again elsewhere, but I will be much more careful to hide it from her, and will never send her the good things I have written that she might like to read. If you notice that this blog has disappeared from the interwebnets and care, you will be able to obtain the new address from drzen1 AT gmail DOT com, so long as you are able to convince me that you are not in fact Mrs Zen masquerading as an interested party.

I would not mind so much if Mrs Zen was actually interested in me as a person, but that's not why she pries into my business. She is looking for stuff to fuel her grievances. The grievances are largely, as I've noted, merited, but that doesn't mean she has any right, in my view, to keep them burning using old coal from the mine of yeah whatever.


At 12:30 am, Blogger $Zero said...

The destruction of this blog would be a shame.

At 8:23 am, Blogger Unknown said...

It seems a little bit unfair that I'm allowed to get a more complete picture of you than she is. Never mind what her motives might be. What are my motives?

I suppose you're entitled to call the shots, from my point of view at any rate. But it strikes me as manipulative that she gets to read the bits that make you look good, while having to avert her eyes from the parts which, quite frankly, don't.

At 8:57 am, Blogger Dr Zen said...

You know, Al, I don't consider that anything in my blog portrays me in a particularly bad light, or at least in any worse light than the post I did let Mrs Zen read. Still, I realise that were it not for the delightful opportunity to get all judgemental about me, you wouldn't read it, so please do continue to indulge.

At 9:52 am, Blogger AJ said...

If you do shut this one down, I hope you intend to move the posts to the new place.

At 9:59 am, Blogger Dr Zen said...

For the obvious reasons, no.

At 9:57 am, Blogger Unknown said...

I think your reply to me says so much about posts that show you in a bad light, dude. I'm not the least bit fucking interested in judging you. What would that get me? Believe it or not, I read this blog out of feelings of empathy for your plight, which I understand only too well.

But it's typical of you that you lash out at anyone who says something you don't like the sound of, whether it's right or wrong.

Shut the whole fucking thing down, if you like. You need it more than anyone else does. Where else would you get to showcase your suffering?

At 10:05 am, Blogger $Zero said...

But it's typical of you that you lash out at anyone who says something you don't like the sound of, whether it's right or wrong.

first prize: FOITN

At 2:04 am, Blogger Dr Zen said...

Gunt, your comments are deleted because you are banned from commenting on this blog. The elimination of your comments is not a reflection on their content, merely a reflection of their being unwelcome.

At 7:21 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

boots sez:

People will comment on anything then argue over it.

Grapes, you seem to be saying that you read this thing out of pity. I'm sure Z needs your fucking pity.

Grunt, why don't you post something on your own blog, it's been lying fallow for months now.

At 9:03 am, Blogger Dr Zen said...

Let me reiterate, Gunt. You are banned from commenting not because your comments are true or untrue, but because you're a cunt. That you're a boring whiny cunt just makes it all the more unlikely I'll ever permit you to speak freely here.

At 11:10 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You the biggest whiner there is calling me whiny well that's pure hypocrisy and you know it. As for being a cunt again pure hypocrisy. You do a good line in hypocrisy don't you.

At 7:09 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What kind of sad whiny cunt continues to comment in a place where his every post is dismissed, like chaff out of the wheat, on receipt?

At 7:47 pm, Blogger $Zero said...

Request for new essay.

Subject: blaming Detroit's failures on "legacy costs", FFS.

At 10:01 am, Blogger Looney said...

Zed wrote:
Grapes, you seem to be saying that you read this thing out of pity. I'm sure Z needs your fucking pity.

Big difference between empathy and pity, my friend...

At 10:03 am, Blogger Dr Zen said...

They read much the same.


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