Wednesday, January 09, 2008


so anyway, pundits wrong as usual. Clinton dead and buried, they cried. looks like we're digging her back up.

it's all good fun. Obama continues to waffle in a way that only Americans could buy.

If we mobilise our voices to challenge the money and influence that stood in our way and challenge ourselves to reach for something better, there is no problem we cannot solve, there is no destiny that we cannot fulfill

"If we mobilise our voices"... how do i do that then? i'd like to mobilise my voice. should i record it on a tape and send it by train? obviously it's the people on your side you want to mobilise, and their voices you'd like them to use, but Obama, as is his wont, has portmanteau'd both ideas because it sounds more dramatic.

"challenge ourselves to reach for something better"... one reminds oneself that Obama stands for hugging up to the Republicans. well, that's worked for the Dems, hasn't it?

and how do voices "reach for something better"? someone needs to tell Mr Obama that no one over the age of 12 gets anything by whining for it. action is needed. none of Obama's platform sounds very active to me. it's all "let's just hope", "raise your voice", blah blah.

"there is no problem we cannot solve"... by mobilising our voices? really? how about healthcare? how are you solving that? oh, i know, in precisely the way that "money and influence" would like you to solve it, if solve it you must. the problem with his plan is that corporates don't mind universal insurance. it just means more money pouring into their pockets.

reach for the fucking skies, Barack. dare to dream. put an American NHS on the table.

see? that's revolutionary. that's real change.

and the corporates will water down the oversight and the "regulation" that you propose. you know it, we all know it. it never passes if it's a tight system. we all know that.

"there is no destiny that we cannot fulfill"... what? this is the sort of ultravague, empty bullshit that you get from "motivational" speakers. destinies are fixed, dude. you can only "fulfil" the one you have. that's kind of the point of them.

and there are tons of destinies you couldn't fulfil, even if you were able to choose your own fate. it's fine to say, dream, aim high, blah blah, but this world is real. it smashes dreams. it crushes them, and you have to have somewhere else to go when they're crushed.

this is what Obama is all about: keep it vague, allow people to imprint whatever they want on you. it holds out the promise to the corporates that they can get what they want too; that he's not a serious threat to them. well, i think he probably isn't.

i prefer Clinton. she may not be bringing a beacon of hope; she may be the corporate candidate. yeah, but she knows there's a war on (and i don't mean the phony one on "terror") and she will fight it. Obama has a message of loving the bad boys into our camp. Clinton will bring the hate.

and she outrages all the right people: wingnuts, radical feminists, "progressives" who are really just centre-leftists with no balls, Ron Paul, Jesus.

and yes, there's corporate money behind her and she'll compromise her agenda to keep the money sweet. but short of a revolution, so does anyone in power. it's what you will do even so that counts, and she'll do more in my view.


At 8:14 pm, Blogger $Zero said...

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At 8:26 pm, Blogger $Zero said...

Obama is inspirational, but lacks concrete ideas. one reason the Republicans love him is that they don't want to be held electorally responsible for all of the evil shit they've done over the last two Bush terms -- they'd LOVE for everyone to join Obama's bi-partisan "philosophy".

not to mention that he'd be a cinch to beat in the general election.

most all of those "independents" that came out supporting Obama were probably just conservative pawns sent out to try to sabotage Hillary's bid.

half Obama's votes came from independents and Repubs. sounds good, but it's an illusion.

Edwards would be a good attack dog in the Clinton cabinent to help keep businesses honest, but he's not reasonable enough across the board to be president -- plus he talks with an annoying nasal problem and can't even negotiate a decent haircut price.

and you're right (except for Jesus), Hillary pisses off all the right people. BONUS! half the rightards will have nervous breakdowns (perfect karma indeed) and will finally shut the fuck up while they recuperate in mental wards.

besides, conflict is not a bad thing in itself, only stupid idiotic conflict (the likes of which Bush and his ilk provide) is a bad thing.

a REALLY bad thing.

because Bush's brand of conflict is so incredibly dishonest and evil (and based on limitless greed).

the corporate-owned bullshit media was so atrociously unfair to Hillary for the last couple months (and got worse every single day, peaking last night), which has finally convinced me to give her my full support -- regardless of all the problems i have with her.

even her worst lies are a thousand times more honest and just than Bush's and Cheney's best lies.

that's my gut feeling.

At 9:16 am, Blogger Dr Zen said...

The "bipartisan" thing is simply a movement by softer rightists to disown the wingnuts by reaching out to the centre-righties in the Democratic party. I have no idea why leftists, or progressives of any type, would support that shit. It's shiv time, not cuddle a richtard time.


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