Sunday, November 04, 2007


LOLZen. Particularly good given the subject matter of the second post.


I iz a uncle. My sister S has had a daughter, L. When I think about S, I picture her as a child, the beautiful little girl that I loved fiercely then, and still love just as much, so it's beyond weird to think of her as a mother.

I know some people drift apart from their siblings, or even flat dislike them, but I find that difficult to understand. I am very close to my sisters. It helps that they are both good people, but the bond we formed as kids, running around the beach and fields of our home town, would be strong enough to survive a lot of bad.

So I have another person in this world to cherish, and that's a wonderful thing. And of course I am glad that S has survived childbirth, because so far away, the small chance that she might not readily became a looming monster to fear. She is well, and I'm told the baby is perfect. No surprise. S is not the kind of woman to allow anything but a lovely child emerge.


At 11:08 am, Blogger Paula said...

I loved the Tryin N lolzen!

Congrats on your unclehood. Good wishes to mom and baby.

At 6:45 pm, Blogger AJ said...

It seems such a short time ago when you posted that she was pregnant. How can the baby already be here?

Congratulations, Uncle!


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