Monday, May 07, 2007

Getting Hitched

I'm not a fan of Christopher Hitchens, neocon pisshead and near talentless hack. Why? Because there is something ugly about liberals who become conservative when they make a few quid.

He also has an unhealthy love of authoritarians, as he shows in this interview:

With Giuliani, I also admire what he did in New York. He's proven that he can run and improve things by governing.

Well, yes, and Mussolini got the trains to run on time, don't you know.

He did provide me one laugh, by demonstrating his complete lack of self-awareness. He's recently written a book explaining why he hates religion. An interviewer asked had he never prayed:

Probably once for an erection, but not addressed to anyone in particular. Nor completely addressed to my cock.

I have just the thing for him: raise flag, Chris.


At 4:23 pm, Blogger Sour Grapes said...

Hitchens had Lou Dobbs of CNN pin his lapel-badge on him the other night on-air, celebrating that he's become a US citizen. Isn't that just nauseating? It's also nauseating that he's jumping on the atheism bandwagon. From what I've seen of the book, there's nothing remotely new or insightful in it. Religions have a downer on women, apparently. That was the headline in this month's You Don't Fucking Say magazine.

At 6:36 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rudy has charisma, but no real creativity. Which, unfortunately, essentially means that, if he gets the nomination, he'll win.

At 8:21 am, Blogger Falling on a bruise said...

So he is a US citizen now is he? They are welcome to the 'drink-soaked former Trotskyist popinjay' as George Galloway called him.


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