Thursday, February 22, 2007

"You lost"

This is why we will not tolerate claims of "victory". Even if by some miracle the US pacifies Iraq, and its business people are able afterwards to profit hugely from Iraq's oil, we still lost.


At 10:40 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

boots sed:

How dee do, Zenners. I am compelled (ain't I always just though) to offer a totally unsolicited and probably rude story about a guy I once knowed, file it in your non-sequitur category.

This feller, let's call him Fred for when we want to point and laugh, he was having some problems with his life. He wasn't very happy in his marriage, his business was struggling, yada yada.

So, ol' Fred decided fuck it, I don't want to do this anymore so I just won't and what'll happen will happen.

Given that Fred had 24 hours to fill up in each and every day, he decided to make boats in a bottle. He made zillions of them, never breathtaking but never really crappy either.

After a while, the Forces of Reality descended upon ol' Fred's hairy ass and kicked it until his nose bled.

I'm sure you'll find that very interesting, simply because I'm such an interesting feller, and a geenyus on top a that innit... but I do know some small things about what they call "self-destructive behaviour" for whatever the fuck that's worth.

We now return you to the continuing saga of the middle east. Carry on.


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