Friday, November 17, 2006

Comment on comments

I'm a polite person. No, really. I have good manners, say thank you when I receive something, please when I want something. I'm about the only person in Brisbane who says excuse me when I want to pass, or sorry when I knock into someone in the street. I generally show the courtesy of acknowledging commenters on my blog in some way if they seem to need or want acknowledgement, and reply to posts directed at me online. So I should say that I haven't purposely wiped out previous comments on my blog to slight the commenters. It's just that I've switched to blogger's comments, so the haloscan ones have vanished into the aether. Well, they still exist but I'm not displaying them. I've ignored haloscan's minuses for a while (when I first adopted it, blogger's comments were much inferior) but when it has a server outage, it makes my blog agony to load. At least if blogger's comments are down, everything will be down. So if you feel underacknowleged, my apologies. Feel free to call me a cunt afresh though. Don't let that lovely vitriol be wasted.


At 1:50 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have not been able to comment
using haloscan, nor have I been
able to read comments, as the
computers I use sometimes block

Funny, I cannot even post on my
own site, as it has been blocked.

Anyway, welcome to a new era.

All the best,
Father Luke

At 4:02 am, Blogger Don said...

Well, the last one I saw deserved deleting. But the lengthy one I wrote prior did not! Wah!

Good move. Do me a favor and read me about Nanjing Lu and offer any thoughts on what would actually make it worth reading, if it's no trouble. Thx.

At 7:24 am, Blogger Sezza said...

Good move.^^ I hate how Halscan deletes your comments after three months. I always liked looking back on people's comments- though I couldn't stand to read my own past entries. And still can't. God, I sound young. (Funny that.)



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