Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Crisp crash

I can't help feeling a little sadness at hearing that Golden Wonder has collapsed.

Connoisseurs of crap food will know that not only were Golden Wonder pioneers in the modern crisp, but they invented the queen of stodgy snacks, Pot Noodle.

You know, when I snivel and moan about how you just can't get what you like here in Australia, near the top of my list is the slag of all snacks. The cup noodles that you can buy are just not synthetic enough. Those of us raised on white bread, Smarties and chips have been spoiled forever for proper food. If it doesn't have enough E-numbers to equip a school chemistry lab, the jaded palette of the proletariat, of which I am a scion, does not respond.

Sigh. And things are much worse even than that. Did you know they canned the Wispa? I'm not kidding. The best chocolate bar ever, discontinued. Is it not a modern tragedy? These people instil a love of their products in us. They make us "brand loyal". And then, without a thought for our feelings, they take away the brands we love.


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