Wednesday, January 12, 2005


If moaning about your boss is now a sacking offence, there's going to be lots of work for dole offices from now on.

It is a sad truth that the fuckheads who pay you a few quid for the pleasure of your company each day think that it means they own you. They would never get away with their intrusions into our private lives -- the drug tests, the belief that they can discipline you for extralaborial activity -- if legislators actually worked.

Of course, this particular case hits home because Waterstone's have shown themselves to be not only meanhearted scum but also unable to grasp the notion of bad press. Bloggers read. It's part of the deal. Many bloggers only read other blogs, true, but many read books too. And most, if not all, bloggers would profess a belief in the sanctity of free expression. After all, here we are, freely expressing. And Waterstone's is a bookshop. A place that lives off others' expression.

Even worse than trying to suppress (very mild) dissent, expressed outside office hours, Waterstone's have shown that they do not respect their employees, that long, blemish-free service (eleven years) counts for nothing. And, worst of all, they've shown they do not have a fucking sense of humour.

I cannot abide that. I can forgive you for being a Nazi, Mr Bastardstone, because you were taught nonsense in your management course and you didn't get to be where you are today by thinking. But a Nazi who can't have a laugh is no use to anyone.

I asked why, if the company did not like me commenting about work on my blog they did not simply have the branch manager have a quiet word with me? Should that not have been the proper way to deal with this?

Yes, yes it should.


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