Thursday, July 22, 2004

Easy as ABC

People won't stop fucking.

Although some feel there is something grossly immoral about it, this is not the majority view. Most of us accept it is just something we do. There have always been wowsers, mostly men afraid of their own and women's bodies (more so the latter -- the sheer hatred of many "pro-life" men for women is frightening). These smallminded creeps feel it is their business what others do behind closed doors. These are generally the same people who do not feel there is any reason for a person to take an interest in his neighbours' wellbeing, and who do not believe there is any such thing as community, which is a curious disconnect.

Abstinence works as a preventive measure for sexual disease and pregnancy. No doubt about it. But it doesn't work in a much more real sense. It doesn't work as a policy. Teens ignore the propaganda. When they are taught that the only option for safe sex is not to have any, they plump for the unsafe version. Who among us would not? Sex is wonderful. It is central to our lives. It is how we are, how we will be when we're gone, a way we express ourselves, great fun and a pastime that per dollar brings the most enjoyment (the most bang for buck, you might say). Lack of it can drive us mad, turn us into monsters.

Condoms prevent the spread of sexual disease. They are not as effective as abstinence, but their use is a matter of life and death. Denying access to them condemns many to death.

You can argue that the rich world need not care for the poor. You can argue that it need not care for the problems of the rest of the world, that it has no responsibility. You can even argue that those people could just stop fucking.

But there will be millions of children without parents, millions of families without fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, millions of lives lost to a disease that we can stop easily. What moral code can think it is better to die than to fuck someone you are not married to? What kind of person truly does not understand that not everyone has the choice, even? Who would let millions die for the lack of a piece of latex?

Who votes for these people? Who empowers them? Whoever you are, hang your heads in shame.


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