Monday, March 08, 2004

Alien ate me

Anyone who has ever suspected that the world might be crazier than it seems, or who has indulged in fantasies of UFOs, will love the Shaver mystery. Shaver was a guy whose wacky alien theory took root in sf magazines of the 40s/50s. The careful reader will be thinking "Roswell" and yes, these were the glorious days of UFO hysteria. It looks like Shaverism hasn't died. It's all great fun.

I'm a sceptic, I suppose. I tend towards the rationalist and humanist understandings of the world. But when I was a teen, I was a subscriber to the Unexplained magazine -- a huge partwork whose concerns were UFOs, spontaneous combustion, ghosts and other things going bump in the night, the whole wonderful realm of the paranormal.

What I suppose I like to remind myself is that you cannot know. I like to take a quasi-Socratic approach to wisdom, although I don't share Socrates' belief that knowledge is attainable but lacking. I think it's mostly lacking because of what it is. Shaver knew that we were all deros. Prove him wrong!


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