Friday, January 02, 2004

Eye, eye

Wandering the web can sometimes turn up the astonishing. It was pure serendipity that I should stumble across the photography of Rafael Navarro, which moved me immensely. I'm interested in the body as landscape (which is something different from the body as fuck object, interesting in a different way - check this out for work that uncomfortably straddles the divide), and I found Navarro's imaginings of the body made it a strange, wonderful country - austere but striking (although it's not totally humourless - this must be the furriest cunt I've ever seen). Striving to find more of his work led me to this art nudes blog, which led me to the revelation that Mr Spock is a nude snapper. A true renaissance Vulcan, if ever there was one.
Navarro's site has a host of links to other photographers (in a broad range of subjects), so there's an eye feast waiting for me.


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