Friday, November 07, 2003

Eating royal jelly

Everyone's talking about Prince Chuck's denial of the allegations that may not speak their name (readers of Popbitch know that they involve his valet giving him a "happy finish" to his after-polo massage).
All I want to know is, whose idea was it? Did Chakka one day ask "You couldn't finish one off, could you, Fawcett?" Or did the valet volunteer? There are plenty who believe we should all kiss up to the Royals, but that's taking it a bit far.

Well, it relieves the dreary pofacery that surrounds the Royals. The rightthinking among us know they should all be shot (but we should keep the soldiers in big hats and have someone ponce round in a coach for the tourists), but there's no big drama. Those who like to grovel will always find someone to grovel to.


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