Is it any point being sad about what is inevitable?Is that the same question as asking, is it any point being sad about what is irrevocable?
So I look at my teeth but I'm led to think, yeah but you can get false teeth. And you can have a false life, just the same, but you ask yourself, when you have false teeth, don't you feel all the time, just a little bit, that those are not your teeth. What's more intimate than teeth?
And I look at my hair, and I'm led to think, yeah but when you dye it black it does not look like any colour hair could ever naturally be.
Is it any point being sad about living and dying?
If you accept that our universe is a 4D projection of a universe with many more dimensions, you might be tempted to ask what the "inside" universe really looks like.
But, maths aside, this is the only way it can look to us. I think so often of Wittgenstein's mesh: the picture we impose on the world to force it to make sense. Curious: we can write maths for six dimensions but we cannot visualise them.
But it nags at me that if you can represent those dimensions in maths, then you can "visualise" them, because what we are doing does not depend on which tool we use to do it with.
Are we doing the best we can? It doesn't seem like we can be, but if we are, we should be forgiven anything and everything.
I take it as axiomatic that you may not be hurt for your nature.
But I have been thinking a lot about how we forget that axioms are not based on principle, but are selected for diverse reasons, some of which we may not well understand.
Equity is axiomatic; and I choose it because it feels right to me that we should strive to be fair.
Love is axiomatic, I suppose. It is like worshipping a god to worship love. I suppose if I think about it, I can imagine that their god seems real to them in just the way love feels real to me.
I mean, you do understand that if you chose one axiom, you could as well choose another? I worry that I chose what would be comfortable, rather than choosing what was best.
Well, what does it matter? Whatever you choose, you are desined to die and be forgotten.
Hair and teeth are just hair and teeth, they're not you. But they do have a way of making you view yourself differently depending upon whether you like them on yourself or not. (The general you, not you you.) Do you like someone less when they change their hair color? Or fix their teeth? Are you saddened that they didn't like what they had? Or do you think, that looks nice on them, rather like the clothes they may choose to wear? Personally, I think the latter, unless they go overboard, which is totally in the eye of the beholder, isn't it? It's all silliness, so why not embrace the silliness and just do what makes you feel good about yourself? Since we're destined to die and be forgotten anyway, may as well make a splash while we're here, eh? I want a purple streak in my hair, but I'd get fired if I did it. Well, not at first. I'd be counseled to change it, and fired if I didn't. Before my job I didn't want to spend the money to do it, now I have the money, and I can't. Typical.
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